You think two-headed humans only exist in movies, don’t you? Okay, okay, you might have heard about one or two cases of people with two heads in real life as well. Wondering how is this even possible? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered because today we’ll take a look at two headed humans you won’t believe exist. Make sure to stick around until the end of the video and check out our number 1 pick because that girl will definitely make you rub your eyes in disbelief.
It’s actually very sweet how Shivanath & Shivram can get surgery to be separated but don’t want to be separated and help each other get ready, do homework, and even eat. and at 12 YEARS OLD?! at that age i think pretty much everyone hates their siblings but they never want to be separated i think i might cry
I’m impressed by all of these children, could you imagine having a sibling attached to you for life. Two people using the same body, that is intense. Incredible determination to live, as adults you want to go your own way, how do you do that when you’re attached? CRAZY!!!
it’s so heart warming that people with huge hearts would take in these poorly disabled and suffering but happy kids. I mean the conjoined sisters, wow. I am happy they staying safe but its heart breaking that the last child of the video died.
I met abby & britney when they came into my Maurice’s store. They needed help finding new clothes. They were super nice & I was able to see first hand how different they are. what one thought was cute, the other didnt like it. I dont remember what they bought. That night when I got home, I saw abby & brittney’s show on TLC. I had no idea they were famous.
The two attached at the head is just so sad. You have to love them and i hope God is paying close attention to them on the journey of life. I look at them and think of how selfish i can be at times. I have to think how fortunate i am everyday.