BREAKING: Senator Mark Kelly demolishes Donald Trump over his Zelensky Oval Office disaster in terms that even MAGA fans can understand, says “this did not get us anything” and Putin is “popping champagne.”

This is the best takedown yet…

“Where does this go from here and does Congress any roll in it at all?” Kelly was asked during an appearance on CNN.

“Well, we have a roll. We do our own negotiations. We do our own diplomacy so to speak,” said Kelly. “So we do have a roll. We can push the administration. Hopefully, we can get them to come back to the negotiating table here.”

“But we are in a much worse position,” he continued. “Our European allies especially are looking at this and they’re thinking to themselves what just happened? What happened to the United States of America? It used to be the leader of the free world.”

“And you know I pointed out in our meeting this morning you know that I was rather disappointed that our country, we’re about to celebrate our 250th birthday. Which is a big deal. And it’s exciting,” said Kelly. “But now we’re dealing with one of our allies like this is a business transaction. I mean, that’s not the way we have traditionally done things and so where do we go from here?”

“I mean, I think the president and the vice president need to figure out how do they pick up the pieces from this total disaster and get back to the table and negotiate in a way that is who were are as a nation,” he continued.

“I mean we have principles, we have values, and we don’t berate our allies in the Oval Office,” said the former astronaut. “I’ve never see anything like this before. And throughout our entire history there have been a lot of tense negotiations between countries. We don’t do this in public. This did not get us anything.”

“And I think it’s important for the American people to understand because of what happened today we are all less safe,” Kelly went on. “And I’ll tell you there is one winner in this, one winner, and if you watch Russian TV tonight or tomorrow morning you will see that they’re going to cover this.”

“They’re going to he happy about this. Putin and his cronies are probably popping champagne bottles right now,” Kelly concluded.

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