Shock new footage reveals Harambe the gorilla PROTECTING boy that fell into enclosure

SHOCKING new footage shows Harambe the gorilla PROTECTING the four-year-old who fell into his cage just minutes before the animal was shot dead by zoo keepers.

Harambe, a critically endangered western lowland gorilla, was shot dead at Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio, US, after the boy climbed over the 3ft barriers and fell 12ft into the enclosure.

The 17-year-old gorilla, weighing almost 30 stone or 400lbs, was killed in a bid to protect the boy as his desperate mother screamed for help.

But now critics and eyewitnesses say the gorilla was not showing any aggression towards to boy – and was in fact protecting him.

In one moment, the gorilla even appears to wrap his arms around the boy and the pair seem to be holding hands.

Harambe the gorilla in video and a statueeYOUTUBE

Harambe the gorilla was shot dead after a boy fell inot his enclosure

The 6ft tall beast was also seen helping the boy to his feet as the pair remained in the water.

Brittany Nicely was at the zoo with her children when she saw the incident.

Writing on Facebook, she said: “R.I.P Harambe so so sad.

“Witnessing this situation and hearing them shoot him has been one of the most horrific things I have ever been a part of.

“My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the staff at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and the people who witnessed it.

“Also sending prayers for a speedy recovery of the little boy!”

The gorilla helping the boy stand upYOUTUBE

The footage shows the gorilla helping the little boy to stand in the water

A map of Cincinatti zoo parkCINCINATTI ZOO

The boy climbed a three foot wall before falling 12 feet into the gorilla enclosure

What the first responders saw, I’m just not sure… They said he was violently throwing the child around, which seems crazy to me.

Witness Brittany Nicely

But Mrs Nicely has also claimed that the gorilla was not being aggressive towards the boy.

She added: “I tried to prevent it. I tried to grab him and I just couldn’t get to him fast enough.

“What the first responders saw, I’m just not sure… They said he was violently throwing the child around, which seems crazy to me.

“They have a picture of the boy sitting in front of the gorilla moments before they shot him.”

A western lowland gorillaTWITTER

Harambe was a critically endangered Western Lowland Gorilla

A sign outside Gorilla World saying closedREUTERS

Gorilla World has been closed since the incident this weekend

Critics say those screaming around the enclosure only served to panic the animal, causing him to drag the boy through the rushing water.

Jerry Stones, 74, from Texas, raised 17-year-old Harambe since birth, and described him as a “gentle giant”.

He said: “An old man can cry, too. He was a special guy in my life. Harambe was my heart. It’s like losing a member of the family.

“I raised him from a baby, he was a sweet cute little guy. He grew up to be a pretty, beautiful male. He was very intelligent. Very, very intelligent.

“His mind was going constantly. He was just such a sharp character.”

Professor Gisela Kaplan, an animal behaviour expert at the University of New England, said she didn’t believe the boy was in danger.

The expert said the gorilla knew there was no threat from “a defenceless small child” and would have beat his chest if he were to attack.

Ms Kaplan said: “The silverback would’ve understood that it was a defenceless small child.

“They would not normally attack, they are not an aggressive species (and) in the wild I’m certain the boy wouldn’t have been killed.

“If he was going to attack he would’ve warned him first. The first thing they do is charge and beat their chests and as far as I know that didn’t happen.”

Zoo director Thane Maynard at press conferenceREUTERS

Thane Maynard, Executive Director of the Cincinnati Zoo, says the shooting was justified

What the first responders saw, I’m just not sure… They said he was violently throwing the child around, which seems crazy to me.

Witness Brittany Nicely

Vet Dr Chris Brown posted on Facebook: “Western lowland gorillas like Harambe are classified as critically-endangered in the wild and behaviourally are renowned for being relatively placid, unless provoked.

“So were other non-lethal measures an option?”

The vet went on to say the situation would have been completely avoided if he child had been properly supervised.

This has been echoed by many critics placing blame on the child’s parents for not supervising her son properly.

Mourners protest the death outside the zooREUTERS

People attend a vigil outside the Cincinnati Zoo to mourn the death of Harambe

A photo of the boy's mother and fatherFACEBOOK

Some animal lovers suggested Miss Gregg and the boy’s father Deonne Dickerson should’ve been shot

The boy’s mother was blasted on Facebook after posting a response to the death of the gorilla.

Michelle Gregg wrote: “We are quick to judge how a parent could take their eyes of their child and if anyone knows me I keep a tight watch on my kids.

“Accidents happen but I am thankful that the right people were in the right place.”

Harambe’s death, which was captured on a mobile phone, has caused outrage across the world, with angered animal lovers launching a campaign demanding justice for the gorilla.

A petition, which has been signed more than 30,000 times, is calling for the parents to be charged with child negligence and the death of an endangered animal.

Some animal lovers even suggested Miss Gregg and the boy’s father Deonne Dickerson should have been shot and killed instead of the gorilla Harambe.

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