Funeral plans are prepared for a two-year-old Arkansas girl who died after being abused

Our children are our greatest possession, and we do everything we can to keep them safe.

That is why the story of young Ava Ann Marie Tabor is so tragic.  A happy, loving 2 year-old, her life was taken in the most horrible way. Now, a 19-year-old male is in arrest after allegedly confessing to hitting her.

Was babysitting Ava.

Little Ava Ann Marie Tabor, born on November 28, 2022, in Texarkana, Texas, was a cheerful two-year-old.  She enjoyed dancing, helping in the kitchen, and brightening every room with her brilliant grin and sky-blue eyes.

Levi Landon James Tabor and Kylie Marie Perez, her parents, loved her unconditionally.  The family made their home in De Queen, Arkansas, but in early March, their world was devastated.

That day, 19-year-old Wesley Davis was babysitting Ava, but something terrible happened.

Chandler Funeral / Family

According to Sevier County Sheriff Robert Gentry, Davis was babysitting her at a residence in Lockesburg, Arkansas, when she went unconscious and he phoned for emergency aid.

He was later arrested after allegedly confessing to assaulting Ava.

Mom’s heartbreaking goodbye

Ava was taken to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, but despite the physicians’ best efforts, her tiny life was not saved.  Ava died on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, leaving behind a devastated family and community.

“Our final time holding our baby
”  After 2 years of putting you to bed, preparing your bottles, playing with you, waking you up, saying your goodbyes, and listening to your small performances in the drive
  I will never get to do it again.

Sevier County Sheriff 

No more Ava kisses,’momma c’mon,’ or ‘baby loves’
  Wesley Davis, you snatched this from me.  YOU TOOK MY WORLD AWAY.  YOU TOOK EVERYTHING I GAVE MY LIFE FOR. I will continue to fight until you have what you deserve.  I love you, AVA ANN MARIE TABOR.  You will always be Mommy’s baby.  NEVER FORGOTTEN!”  Ava’s mother, Kylie Perez, posted on her Facebook page.

Wesley Davis was first charged with first-degree domestic violence, but after Ava died on March 4, the charge was increased to first-degree murder.

Last Thursday, Judge Bryan Chesshir set Davis’ bond at $1 million and imposed a no-contact order, prohibiting him from contacting the victim’s relatives.

Kylie Perez, Ava’s mother, described her as a dazzling light.

“My baby didn’t deserve this.  And Davis deserves everything terrible that happens to him.  And I will not stop till he receives it.

There were death threats.

Sheriff Robert Gentry acknowledged the case’s profound impact on the community, with emotions running high in the aftermath of Ava’s untimely death.

“There have been threats of death, as well as threats of physical harm and injury to Mr. Davis,” he stated.

Authorities are now imploring the people to let the judicial system play out, emphasising that justice will be delivered through the courts.

Sevier County Sheriff Robert Gentry told KSLA, “We are going to try our best to make sure that the judicial system takes care of the one that harmed her because she didn’t deserve what happened to her.”

Ava’s family decided to give her organs as a last act of compassion, allowing others to have a chance at life.

There are plans in place to pay tribute to the young girl’s memory, according to KSLA.  Chandler Funeral Home in De Queen, Arkansas will host a funeral ceremony for Ava Ann Marie Tabor on Thursday, March 13 at 2:00 p.m.

The previous evening, Wednesday, March 12, from 6 to 8 p.m., a visitation will take place at the same place.

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