From Dream to Reality: The Journey of a 680-lb Woman Who Aimed to Be the Heaviest on Earth!

I started to watch this but fell asleep, ty for covering it. She’s complaining about her issues, so she’s aware, but hasn’t done anything about it! She’s done a whole lot better than most on the show. I just don’t understand how AFTER surgery they don’t seem to lose as much. I had gastric bypass 18 years ago, I couldn’t eat anything for the first 6 months. Everything came back up. I lost 165lbs and have maintained my weight at 135lbs for the last 17 years. I’m 5’8″. I still have a difficult time eating. If I eat too fast, or eat a bite or two too much, it doesn’t stay down. If I eat sugary things, I get really ill. So idk how these people still manage to eat after the surgery.

Most likely because Anorexia is extremely difficult to treat. Most of the obese people on this show are incapacitated in some way, housebound, unable to work or live any kind of a normal life, and by the time they’re visiting Dr. Now they’ve truly reached the end of their rope. They can finally fully admit they have a problem, and genuinely want it to stop so they can get their life back. Anorexics are a whole other ballgame. They aren’t housebound, helpless, trapped/prisoner in their own body, relying on others to feed them, bathe them, help them with the toilet, etc. They’re out there in the world functioning and taking care of themselves, and their disorder is completely psychologically based.
My 600-lb Life - 12x05- Rose's Journey : r/My600lbLifeAn actual distortion of perception, a need for control, and several other main reasons. The control thing is a big one though. The compulsive and excessive exercise that many subject themselves to, sometimes hours a day, the regimented bits of food that they allow themselves to eat at set times a day, to where it becomes ritualistic. Those times I’ve watched documentaries on Anorexics I can’t recall ever seeing one who had truly gotten to the end of their rope. No amount of skinny is ever good enough for them. They can’t accept themselves. They don’t want to relinquish control and eat normal amounts of calories willy nilly and dial back the punishing exercise regime. And their distorted self image that they see in the mirror never seems to go away. It’s so much more difficult to treat and it takes a lot longer time….if ever. The severe cases I’ve seen in documentaries, who were at like 60-80 pounds, which would be the equivalent of the obese people who get up to 600-1,000 pounds, never seemed to really get there.

Today’s article focuses on Monica Riley, whose aspiration, believe it or not, wasn’t to travel, own a beach house, or have a successful marriage, but to become the heaviest person in the world. Surprising, isn’t it? She relentlessly pursued this goal by continuously consuming vast amounts of high-fat foods.

Monica has faced challenges with her weight since childhood. Unable to regain control and lose the extra pounds, she decided to turn her vulnerability into strength and find a way to benefit from her condition. Her husband, Sid, has been a supportive partner throughout her journey.

At one point, she could no longer move without assistance, eagerly awaiting her next high-calorie meal. People from around the world urged her to stop and consider monitoring her diet. Their intentions were to encourage her while warning her about the risks and potential health issues she might face.

When Monica finally hit the 400 kg milestone, she realized she would soon be confined to bed, which was “not part of her plans.” Despite the warnings and skepticism from others, she embraced motherhood, becoming a mother not just once but twice! Today, her role as a mother brings her immense joy and happiness.


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