Phil And Kay Robertson Move From Beloved Louisiana Home Amid Health Struggles

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson and his wife, Kay, have moved out of their longtime home in Monroe, Louisiana, amid ongoing health battles.

In a new episode of the Unashamed podcast, Phil and Kay Robertson‘s sons shared an update on their parents’ health and news of their move. Phil Robertson, 78, was diagnosed with a blood disorder and dementia last year. He has since undergone numerous back procedures and has suffered mini-strokes that have greatly affected his quality of life.


Jase shared this week that Phil had undergone back procedure “number 6 or 7” the week prior and requires more time to recover after each one.

“It seems a little hard to come out from under the anesthesia every time,” Al said. Jase agreed, saying, “He seemed in a fog for a few days and kinda doing a little bit bizarre things.”

Jase added that Phil is doing better a week after the surgery, but seems to “lose a little bit mentally” each time.

“He’s got two things working against him, physically and then mentally, and so they’re compounding each other,” Jase said. “We’re doing our best to make him comfortable.”

He then shared that they had moved Phil and Kay “closer to town,” making it easier for the family to take care of them. According to Jase, his parents seemed excited about the move.

“I think they both realize that we’re in the passing the legacy down phase. There’s really no cure for my dad’s condition. We’re not underestimating the power of God. He can do anything He wants at any time 
 but where things are now with my dad, there just seems to be no way to reverse what’s going on.”

Al Robertson shared why his dad is “hanging on” amid health issues.

In an interview in January, the eldest Robertson son told CBN that doctors had Phil’s pain under control. But, as most dementia patients do, he has good and bad days.

Despite his debilitating health issues, Phil has found a purpose to keep going, Al said.

“He still has a sense of purpose in watching out for mom. She had a pretty bad year last year, physically had a lot of issues,” Al said of his parents who have been married for nearly 60 years.“I think he feels like that’s part of the reason he has to hang in there and hang on. Because he helps take care of her, and she helps take care of him.”


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The decision to move Phil and Kay from their beloved home was likely a difficult one.

Phil and Kay Robertson reportedly lived in the 2400-square-foot home situated on 7-acres in rural Louisiana. It’s unclear how long they occupied the home that was built in 1960.

They gave fans a glimpse inside the home as many episodes of Duck Dynasty were filmed there.

Inside Phil and Kay Robertsons's Monroe, Louisiana, home.

Watch Jase and Al Robertson talk about Phil and Kay’s health and recent move in the podcast episode below.

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