A wonderful make-up artist, who also has her entire face covered in scars, performs make-up metamorphoses on injured women. Their reactions speak for themselves.
Metamorphosis of women with facial scars
Make-up artist Anar Agakishiev has scars all over her face, and since she tried the power of makeup, she decided to help other women in a similar situation. All her volunteers say that this external transformation was an impulse for internal transformation, to build up one’s own self-worth.
One of the women had an accident at the age of 11. She never wore makeup, she didn’t see the point. Her reaction to the sight of the metamorphosis effect speaks for itself. That day changed her life. Currently, she helps other women who have been through a lot and inspires them.
Another volunteer also has a face full of scars. This did not prevent her from finding love. She wanted to look beautiful at the wedding. The effect is stunning!
YouTube/The Power of Makeup
Stunning makeover makeovers for women with scars
We present phenomenal metamorphoses of four women who, for various reasons, have many scars on their skin. Such marking is mostly associated with lifelong trauma. It is also associated with giving up on oneself.
Fortunately, there are people such as the make-up artist Anar Agakishiev, who decided to help other women precisely because of her own scars and experiencing a similar metamorphosis.
It is obvious that later all the volunteers who underwent the metamorphosis remove their makeup, but they still have a very important impulse to fight for themselves, to feel that they are someone important and valuable.
Source: YouTube/The Power of Makeup